Scholarships & Financial Aid
Explore Ways to Pay for Baylor
Let us help you explore types of scholarships and financial aid available to Baylor Aviation Sciences Students. You can begin with Baylor University's Affordability Planner, which can be found here.
Baylor Financial Aid
Approximately 92% of all students attending Baylor receive some type of financial aid so be sure to check out all of your options thoroughly. Visit Baylor's Student Financial Services webpage for more information on the different forms of financial aid and the funding opportunities available.
Baylor Aviation Sciences Scholarships
The Baylor Institute for Aviation Sciences has a new departmental scholarship available. Click here for more information about the Darwin Whiteside Endowed Scholarship Fund and application requirements.
National Aviation Scholarships
Students have access to the same merit or need-based scholarships, grants, part-time student employment, and student loans that others have access to, but can also apply for consideration to specialized funding resources (some listed in the box at right). These can be applied to the general cost of attendance, which also includes flight training expenses.
The University Aviation Association has compiled a comprehensive list of aviation scholarships from around the country in a publication, available here.
Baylor Institute for Aviation Sciences is a member institution in organizations such as the University Aviation Association (UAA) and Women in Aviation, International (WAI). Aviation Science Program students can locate our institutional membership numbers directly on our Membership & Program Partners webpage in the Contact Information section if necessary for applying for scholarships offered by these groups. You will be required to log in with your BearID.
The Greater Waco Aviation Alliance often awards a scholarship to college students pursuing a degree in aviation at Baylor University, Texas State Technical College - Waco, or McLennan Community College. Please contact them directly for more information.
General aviation advocacy groups such as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and Experimental Aircraft Association offer various scholarships to their members in the pursuit of pilot licenses/ratings or an aviation education, and the Airport Minority Advisory Council or AMAC, has awarded over $300,000 in scholarships to college students since 1998. Any high school student or undergraduate student accepted or enrolled at an approved college or university may apply. Membership may be required; please follow the links above or contact these organizations directly for more information.
Related Links
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
- Airport Minority Advisory Council
- Experimental Aircraft Association
- Federal Aviation Administration
- General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)
- International Council of Air Shows Foundation
- National Air Transportation Association
- National Business Aviation Association
- National GPA
- Ninety-Nines
- Regional Airline Association
- University Aviation Association
- Women in Aviation, International