Activity Booklet
This booklet was designed by Baylor Institute for Air Science in collaboration with professors and graduate students from Baylor's School of Education. It features activities developed with a strong STEM focus using Texas Essentials Knowledge Skills(TEKS) for grades K - 5 and was created to stimulate the young minds of children who may or may not already have an affinity or inclination toward aviation related topics of interest.
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What is S.T.E.M. and why does it matter for young children? S.T.E.M. is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Science - investigating the natural world and how it works?
Technology - anything that is invented to meet a human need or want
Engineering - an approach to designing and creating the human-made world
Mathematics - study of number, quantity, and space
STEM education is an approach that removes traditional barriers that separate the four disciplines to allow for real world, rigorous, and relevant experiences. Children need the benefit of an integrated curriculum so that they may develop the knowledge and skills they need for the contemporary world.
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Please email with any questions or requests for Activity Booklets or download the .pdf by clicking on the picture at top left.