Other Courses
AVS 1300 - Introduction to Aviation: A survey of aviation with special attention to the history and impact of aviation on society as well as its technological progress.
AVS 1301 - Air Navigation: Instruction in Visual Flight rules navigation in the National Airspace System. Topics include sectional charts, flight computers, plotters and navigation logs and publications. Qualifies as a part of a program leading to the FAA Private Pilot Certificate.
AVS 1313 - Introduction to Meteorology: Basic atmospheric structure and processes, clouds and precipitation, atmospheric pressure and winds, weather chart analysis, thunderstorms and hurricanes, weather observations and forecasting.
AVS 3310 - Aviation Law: A history of the development of aviation law as well as a study of its present status. Topics include state and federal regulations, tort law, contract law, FAA regulations, aircraft ownership, airport businesses, and the effect of other laws on aviation.
AVS 3311 - Aircraft Accident Investigation and Prevention: A comprehensive overview of the procedures and methods used and the skills required to investigate an aircraft accident with emphasis placed on accident prevention.
AVS 3312 - Aviation Safety: Methods for assessing risk and predicting error generation potentials will be investigated. Accident and incident case studies will be utilized throughout the course to illustrate course concepts.
AVS 3315 - Aviation Meteorology: Study of the atmospheric processes that produce weather and how weather impacts aviation.
AVS 3320 - Flight Crew Career Development: Airline, corporate, and military flight operations with emphasis placed on daily operations environments and employment resources in the aviation industry.
AVS 3350 - Introduction to Space Weather: A study of the discovery, basic processes, and the health, technology, & societal impacts of space weather.
AVS 3370 - Aviation Leadership: A study of leadership topics such as leadership theory, teamwork, conflict management, supervision, and motivation with an emphasis on application within the aviation industry.
AVS 4315 - Aerodynamics for Flight: Dynamics and thermodynamics, fluid flow, airfoil and wing theory, theory of flight including lift thrust and drag, velocity, stability, and control. Advanced principles of performance and maneuvers.
AVS 4305 - Special Topics in Aviation: Study of advanced topics in aviation.
AVS 4310 - Aviation Management: Application of management concepts to the problems involved in airport operations, national air traffic control and air transportation systems.
AVS 4314 - Advanced Aircraft Systems: Study of large transport aircraft: turbine engines; pressurization; electrical, hydraulic, and fire protection systems. Emphasis on high altitude aerodynamics and performance.
AVS 4323 - The Environment and Economic Analysis: Economic analysis in the description, analysis, and policy formulation of environmental problems such as natural resource development, ecology, energy needs, noise, water, and air pollution. Economic tools used will include social welfare analysis, externalities, and benefit-cost analysis.
AVS 4377 - Airport Management: An in-depth overview of the Federal Aviation Regulation Part 139 airport design standard as well as a study of both landside and airside airport business management, utilizing the American Association of Airport Executives' Body of Knowledge modules. Includes a study of the role of the airport in community development.
AVS 4375 - Crew Resource Management: A study of cognitive processing theory, organizational behavior, interpersonal relationship skills, and other critical behavioral dynamics of professional flight crews. Specific CRM topics to be studied include information processing, human error, human reliability, error management, fatigue and workload management, situational awareness, CRM phase development, and CRM specific federal regulations as they pertain to aviation. Emphasis throughout focuses on the individual aircrew members understanding of cognitive processing and how this processing plays a foundational role in crew resource management effectiveness.
AVS 4390 - Internship in Aviation: Supervised work within the aviation industry corresponding with the student's major and career goals.
AVS 4485 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems: Map properties, map design, remote sensing, GPS, and the growth and development of geographic information. Students will use computers and other tools related to Geographic Information Systems Software (GIS).
AVS 4486 - Remote Sensing: Physical mechanisms of surface and atmospheric materials absorption, transmittance, reflection, and emittance of light measured by various remote sensing platforms. Survey various applications related to earth science, ecology, meteorology, and environmental science.
AVS 4487 - Advanced GIS Analysis: Principles and techniques for geospatial data collection, manipulation, modeling, visualization, and analysis. Emphasis is placed on current raster modeling techniques, spatial statistical analysis methods, and using GIS as a predictive tool for environmental research.