Trey Cade

- Ph.D. in Physics, Utah State University, 2002
- Academic Instructor School, Air University (US Air Force), 1996
- M.S. in Physics, Utah State University, 1993
- Space Environmental Forecaster's Course, Air Force Global Weather Central (US Air Force), 1989
- Weather Forecaster Certification, Air Weather Service (US Air Force), 1989
- B.S. in Meteorology, Texas A&M University, 1988
- B.S. in Physics, Texas A&M University, 1987
Research Interests
My major interest is in studying the physics of geomagnetic storm and auroral substorm processes. I am studying the ways we measure and categorize geomagnetic storms, especially the accuracy and physical interpretation of the Kp Index, our primary means of defining storm levels.
I am also currently studying the history of space weather, especially how the understanding of space weather evolved from the 18th to mid-20th centuries.
My third area of interest is in space weather education and outreach. My goal here is to broaden the level of general knowledge on, and interest in, space weather among the general public.
- Cade, T. (2020), An Inquiry-Based Approach to Teaching Space Weather to Non-Science Majors, in Called to Teach: Excellence, Commitment, and Community in Christian Higher Education, ed. by C. J. Richmann and J. L. Wright, pp. 13-19, Pickwick Publications, Eugene OR.
- Knipp, Delores, & Cade, William B. (Trey), III, (2020), Resource List of Textbooks and Monographs Related to Space Weather and Space Weather Science, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3843628.
- Cade III, W. B., (2017), In Memoriam: Edward D. Beard, 1934–2017, Space Weather, 15, doi:10.1002/2017SW001703.
- Knipp, D. J., A. C. Ramsay, E. D. Beard, A. L. Boright, W. B. Cade, I. M. Hewins, R. McFadden, W. F. Denig, L. M. Kilcommons, M. A. Shea and D. F. Smart (2016), The May 1967 Great Storm and Radio Disruption Event: Extreme Space Weather and Extraordinary Responses, Space Weather, 14, doi:10.1002/2016SW001423.
- Cade, W. B., III (2015), Book Review: Solar Storms: 2000 Years of Human Calamity! by Sten Odenwald, Space Weather, 13, 362.
- Cade III, W. B. and C. Chan-Park (2015), The Origin of "Space Weather", Space Weather, 13, 99.
- Cade III, W. B. (2013), The First Space Weather Impact?, Space Weather, 11, 489.
- Cade III, W. B. (2013), The First Space Weather Prediction, Space Weather, 11, 330.
- Oder, B. K., W. F. Denig, and W. B. Cade III (2004), Exploiting the High Ground: the U. S. Air Force and the Space Environment, in The Limitless Sky: Air Force Science and Technology Contributions to the Nation, ed. by A. H. Levis, pp. 113-148, Air Force History and Museums Program, Washington D.C.
- Cade III, W. B. (2004), Halloween Storms, Observer, 50 (11), 15.
- Cade III, W. B., J. J. Sojka, L. Zhu, and Y. Kamide (2003), A Wavelet Analysis of Storm-Substorm Relationships, in Disturbances in Geospace: The Storm-Substorm Relationship, Geophys. Monogr. Ser. vol. 142, ed. by A. S. Sharma, Y. Kamide, and G. S. Lakhina, pp. 159-167, AGU, Washington D.C.
- Cade III, W. B., J. J. Sojka, and L. Zhu (1995), A Correlative Comparison of the Ring Current and Auroral Electrojets using Geomagnetic Indices, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 97.
- Cade III, W. B. (1995), Space Weather Can Impact Your Communications, Space Tactics Bulletin, 2, 3.
- Bishop, G. J., D. Eyring, K. Scro, S. Diessner, D. Della-Rose, W. Cade, N. Ceaglio, and M. Colello (1994), Air Force Ionospheric Measuring System Supports Global Monitoring and Mitigation of Effects on AF Systems, Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation GPS-4, Nov 1994.
- Gagliardi, C. A., R. E. Tribble, L. A. van Ausdeln, W. B. Cade, D. B. Debrecht, D. C. Debrecht (1988), Performance of 3 m Fiber Optic Light Guides, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A, 273, 117.
- Cade III, W. B. (2023), Space Weather Effects on the Power Grid, (oral – invited talk), Meeting of the Security Infrastructure Protection Committee, Electricity Canada
- Cade III, W. B. (2022), Space Weather Effects on the Power Grid, (oral – invited talk), Meeting of the Physical Security Advisory Group, Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center, North American Electric Reliability Corporation
- Cade III, W. B. (2022), Beyond the Basics: Aviation Weather from a Meteorologist’s Perspective (oral – invited talk), MentorLive National Training Webinar, National Association of Flight Instructors
- Cade III, W. B. (2020), Extreme Space Weather Events, Fall Meeting of the Texas Section of the American Physical Society, Virtual Meeting.
- Cade III, W. B. (2020), Extreme Space Weather, Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Cade III, W. B.(2019), An Inquiry-Based Approach to Teaching Space Weather to Undergraduate Non-Science Majors, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
- Cade III, W. B. and C. Turner (2019), Performance of the Kp Index During Magnetic Storms, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
- Cade III, W. B. (2019), The History and Significance of Geomagnetic Indices, General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Montreal, Canada.
- Cade III, W. B. (2019), Using Inquiry-Based Techniques to Teach Science to Non-Science Majors, Seminars for Excellence in Teaching, Academy for Teaching and Learning, Baylor University, Waco, TX.
- Cade III, W. B. (2018), An Inquiry-Based Approach to Teaching Space Weather to Undergraduate Non-Science Majors, Academy for Teaching and Learning 10th Anniversary Symposium, Baylor University, Waco, TX.
- Cade III, W. B. (2018), How Much of a Threat is Space Weather?, InfraGard National Training Webinar.
- Cade III, W. B. and C. Turner (2018), Performance of the Kp Index During Magnetic Storms, NOAA Space Weather Workshop, Westminister, CO.
- Cade III, W. B. (2018), Telling the Story of Space Weather, 15th Conference on Space Weather, Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Austin, TX.
- Cade III, W. B. and C. Turner (2017), Characteristics of the Kp Index, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA.
- Cade III, W. B. (2017), The First Space Weather Prediction, Joint IAPSO (International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans)-IAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences)-IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy) Assembly, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Cade III, W. B. (2017), An Inquiry-Based Approach to Teaching Space Weather to Undergraduate Non-Science Majors, NOAA Space Weather Workshop, Boulder, CO.
- Cade III, W. B. (2017), Edmond Halley and the Aurora, 14th Conference on Space Weather, Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Seattle, WA.
- Cade III, W. B. (2016), An Inquiry-Based Approach to Teaching Space Weather to Undergraduate Non-Science Majors, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
- Cade III, W. B. (2016), The Story of Space Weather, Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.
- Cade III, W. B. (2016), Engaging Students by Visualizing Their Learning: Using Instant Feedback Systems in Class, Institute for Teaching and Learning, Baylor University, Waco, TX.
- Cade III, W. B. (2016), Extreme Space Weather, Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Cade III, W. B. (2016), Research to Operations: How Does it Really Work?, 13th Conference on Space Weather, Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, New Orleans, LA.
- Cade III, W. B. (2015), Extreme Space Weather, AGU Ignite Session, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
- Cade III, W. B. (2015), The Origin of the Term “Space Weather”, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
- Cade III, W. B. (2015), The Origin of “Space Weather,” Utah State University Physics Colloquium, Utah State University, Logan, UT.
- Cade III, W. B. and C. Chan-Park (2015), The Origin of "Space Weather", NOAA Space Weather Workshop, Boulder, CO.
- Cade III, W. B. (2015), An Approach to Teaching Space Weather to Non-Science Majors, 12th Conference on Space Weather, Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- Cade III, W. B. (2014), Media as a Space Weather Sensor, Baylor Libraries Symposium: Understanding Media, Waco, TX.
- Cade III, W. B. (2013), The First Space Weather Prediction, 10th Conference on Space Weather, Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Austin, TX.
- Stanley, J. C. and W. B. Cade (2012), Space Weather Effects on Aircraft Navigation, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
- Razzaq, A., E. Reddic, C. L. Bentley, Jr., and W. B. Cade III (2010), Daily Observation at Prairie View Solar Observatory, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
- Citrone, P. J., M. F. Bonadonna, W. B. Cade, W. F. Denig, and T. E. Nobis (2005), The Operational Utility of Space Environmental Measurements from Polar-Orbiting, Sun-Synchronous Satellites in AFWA Models and Applications, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
- Cade III, W. B. and J. J. Sojka (2001), Wavelet Analysis and Possible Geophysical Applications, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Professional Service
- National Weather Service Weather-Ready-Nation Ambassador, 2018-Present
- Convener and Chair, Session on Historical Understanding of Solar-Terrestrial Interactions: Research and Applications and Retrospective Review of Geomagnetic Studies: Key Figures and Discoveries Since the 13th Century, Joint Assembly of IAPSO (International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans)-IAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences)-IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), Aug 2017
- On-Air Solar Eclipse Expert, KWTX-TV and Gray Television Live Solar Eclipse Coverage (Broadcast in 20 states), Aug 2017
- Member, Space Weather Consultant Certification Committee, American Meteorological Society, Jan 2017 – Present
- Chair, Space Weather History Session, 14th Conference on Space Weather, 97th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Jan 2017
- Curriculum Committee Member, University Aviation Association, 2016 – Present
- Aviation Management Committee Member, University Aviation Association, 2016 – Present
- Textbook Reviewer for Cambridge University Press and Elsevier, 2016-Present
- Space Weather Advisor, Electromagnetic Pulse Special Interest Group, InfraGard (FBI – private sector collaboration to prevent hostile attacks against the US), 2015 – Present
- Member, Space Physics & Aeronomy Education & Public Outreach Committee, American Geophysical Union, 2014 - Present
- Member, Advisory Board for Texas State Technical College Pilot Training Program, 2011 - Present
- Member, Scientific and Technological Activities Commission, Committee on Space Weather, American Meteorological Society, 2010 - 2017
- Co-Chair, Joint Session of the 12th Conference on Space Weather and the 24th Symposium on Education, 95th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Jan 2015
- Member, Advisory Board for Baylor’s Academy for Leader Development, 2013 – 2015
- Guest Speaker and Awards Presenter, Texas Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, College of Science, Texas A&M University, Jan 2007
- Member, Weather Panel for Earth Science and Applications from Space: A Community Assessment and Strategy for the Future, National Academy of Sciences, 2005 - 2006
- Steering Committee Member, 11th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium, International Union of Radio Science May 2005
- Review Panel Member for United States Geological Survey Five-Year Plan, United States Geological Survey, Jan 2005
- Air Force Space Command representative to National Space Weather Program, Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology, 1995 - 1996
- Baylor Fellows Program, Baylor University (2015 – 2016)
- United States Air Force Outstanding Senior Military Scientist of the Year (2005)
- Outstanding ROTC Staff Award, Texas A&M University (2008, 1999)
- Field Grade Officer of the Year, Air & Space Science Directorate, Air Force Weather Agency (2003)
- Outstanding Staff Weather Officer of the Year, Air Force Space Command (1994)

Sid Richardson Bldg. East Wing, Room 234
One Bear Place #97413, Waco, TX 76798-7413
(appointments or inquiries)