Timothy Compton
Chief Ground Instructor
Baylor Institute for Aviation Sciences

Academic Appointments
- Baylor University Chief Ground Instructor, Aviation Sciences 2019- present
- Baylor University Lecturer/Teacher of Record 2007-2008
- Baylor University Graduate Assistant 2005-2006
- 2008 Baylor University Waco, TX - M.S. Environmental Science (with emphasis on aviation fuels)
- 2000 Saint Louis University Saint Louis, MO - B.S., Aeronautics
Research Interests
Human factors, aircraft design, crew resource management, pilot fatigue, flight training pedagogy and paradigm, and advanced avionics.
Master Thesis
- Flight Performance Testing of Ethanol/Avgas Fuel Blends During Cruise Flight
Baylor University Teaching Experience
- AVS3311 - Aircraft Safety
- AVS4305 - Special Topics in Aviation
- AVS4310 - Aviation Management
- AVS4314 - Aircraft Systems
- AVS4315 - Aerodynamics
- AVS4330 - Aviation Fuels
Research Support
- “Development of Avgas/Ethanol Blends as Alternate Fuels for General Aviation” An FAA sponsored research project conducted at the Renewable Aviation Fuels Development Center (RAFDC). Experimental research aircraft pilot and test-cell support. 2005-2007.
- “Atmospheric Airborne Research for the TEXAQS II Project.” A study coordinated with Houston Area Research Council (HARC) and Texas Council on Environmental Quality. Additional coordination with NOAA, DOE, NASA, NCAR and other agencies’ platforms to characterize air quality and transport of pollution into and within the state of Texas.
- Airborne Air Quality Sample Collection in Central Texas during the 2006 Ozone Season, Maxwell Shauck, Grazia Zanin, Sergio Alvarez, Levi Kauffman, Timothy Compton, Prepared for the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG), March 2007.
- FINAL Report, DTFA03-01-C-00022. Development of ethanol and Avgas/Ethanol blends as alternate fuels for general aviation, Prepared for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), M.E. Shauck, M.G. Zanin, S. Alvarez, T. Compton, T. Anderson, L. Kauffman, B. Hamze, 2007.
- H-63 AIRCRAFT MEASUREMENTS IN SUPPORT OF TEXAQS II, Baylor Aircraft-Based Air Quality, Measurement Data Atlas, Prepared for Houston Area Research Center (HARC), Sergio Alvarez, Tim Compton, Grazia Zanin, Maxwell Shauck. Baylor University, Waco, TX. June 2007.
- Airborne observations of the impact of regional power plants on Waco area air quality, Maxwell Shauck, Grazia Zanin, Sergio Alvarez, Levi Kauffman, Timothy Compton, Prepared for the City of Waco, Texas, 2006.
Conferences and Presentations
- XVI International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels, Paper Presented: Ethanol/Avgas Fuel Blends as a Transition Phase for General Aviation, , M.E. Shauck, M.G. Zanin, S. Alvarez, T. Compton, T. Anderson, D. Banas, L. Kauffman, B. Hamze, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2006.
University Committees and Service
- Advisor, Baylor Aviation Organization, 2006-2022
- Member, Aviation Safety Sub-Committee, 2007-present
Certificates, Ratings and Flight Experience
- Commercial Single-Engine Land
- Commercial Multi-Engine Land
- Instrument Rating
- Certified Flight Instructor (CFI)
- Certified Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII)
- Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI)
- Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI)
- Advanced Instrument Ground Instructor (IGI)
- Second Class Medical Certificate - No Restrictions

Sid Richardson Bldg. East Wing, Room 233
One Bear Place #97413, Waco, TX 76798-7413
Timothy Compton
(appointments or inquiries)